Climate chambers, test rigs for U-/g-value, radiation test rigs (UV, IR, global radiation), mobile temperature or climate modules and additional equipment
Icy cold outside, cosy warmth inside. Our climate test rigs simulate solar irradiation and the weather situations and expose products to the most extreme conditions.
Why all of this? To let you know how safe your products are and whether these live up to their challenges.
State-of-the-art technique and know-how
- Mobile temperature or climate modules for air-wind-water test rigs
- Climate chambers (glass, window, doors, lamellas...)
- Differential climate chambers (doors, windows, panels...)
- Additional equipment IR, UV, global radiation
- Differential climate test according to the ift guideline FE-13/1
- U-value test rig Hot-Box (heat transition measurement)
- U-value test rig guarded hot plate apparatus (heat transition measurement)
- g-value test rig (light transmission measurement)
- Radiation test rig (UV, IR, global radiation)